A (Near) Month of Thanks: Thankful for You
![Another favorite perch.](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7040/7128895113_031e8b623c.jpg)
Kirk and I sat at the breakfast table this morning, enjoying our grits and coffee, and went back and forth sharing thanks for the gifts of this past year.
This online space came up in conversation several times.
- He voiced his thanks for the email dialogues that emerge for me as a result of this website. He knows how much every single one of those conversations means to me, and how they continue to humble me, and how deeply connected they are to my sense of calling and vocation and life’s work.
- I gave thanks for the Cup of Sunday Quiet, which was born in this space this past summer. It’s a joy to sit down each Sunday morning and write a letter from my heart to those who have subscribed to it, and to record the 10-15 minutes of lectio meditation that invites each person into prayerful encounter with God.
- I’m thankful, too, for the turn toward a series orientation this website took in this past year. It’s become quite meaningful to discern the direction to take with each new series and then to peel back the layers of those subjects with you as we journey deeper into them each day.
I’m thankful for this space. I’m thankful for you.
Speaking of the series orientation of this space, we’re starting a new series on Monday. It will be a bit exploratory, meaning it will invite you into your personal journey to explore the stories it holds and their impact on you.
I hope you’ll join me for that exploration, come Monday.
Much love,