A (Near) Month of Thanks: Freedom
![I love this bench.](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7134/8157646834_a7abbb34b8.jpg)
It’s voting day in the U.S. today. (It’s surely been a long time coming!)
Kirk and I voted early on Sunday, and as we walked toward our polling place to stand in line, I thought about the gift that it is to have the voice of a vote. I thought about the places in the world where elections are fixed or votes are suppressed — or where there’s no citizen voice involved in governance at all.
So, for today’s gratitude theme, it seemed only fitting to consider freedom.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to vote.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to vote differently than my neighbor.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to think and ask questions.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to formulate ideals.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to live a lifestyle based upon my convictions.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to worship.
- I’m thankful for the freedom to love.
- I’m thankful for the freedom from anxiety, fear, and judgment I find in Jesus.
What about freedom makes you thankful?