Formation Series
Are you looking for ways to deepen your experience of God, yourself, and the world around you? The series below can set you on your way. Enjoy!
Pieces of Formation
One thing I love about the work of spiritual formation is how complex it is — because we are complex. So many pieces of our lives make up who we are today. Who are we? How did we become this way? What do we really believe? This series helps start you on a process of exploring your own pieces of formation.
Carrying Stillness
Do you ever struggle to carry a sense of stillness and centeredness with you throughout the day? Do you struggle to even know what that means? In this series, I chronicle my own learning curve in this area and invite you to learn alongside me as we go.
Living a Rhythmed Life
Do you ever feel like you just can’t get a handle on life — like things are spinning out of control and you don’t know if there’s any other way to be? I’ve found the process of living a “rhythmed life” immensely helpful and rewarding. Join me in this series as we explore what that means and what it might look like for you.
Prayer Can Be …
Prayer is so much more than folding our hands, bowing our heads, and talking to God. Did you know that? This series takes you into all the many ways prayer can look — and invites you to discover other modes of prayer beyond the series that resonate for you.
Finding God in the Daily
Most of the time, we’re running here and there, getting this and that done — you know, doing life. We don’t always have time to sit in the stillness, much less grab five minutes to ourselves. Here are some ways you can find God in the midst of life’s routine.
Still Points in the Day
It’s hard to find time for stillness in the midst of our harried lives. We’re constantly moving and endlessly connected. But what if we found still moments in unexpected places? What if we discovered awareness and gratitude in chance moments? If that idea inspires a sense of longing, this series is for you.
Into This Dark Night
Has your life with God gone dry, dark, stale? Does it feel like your prayers fly up and hit the wall? Are you feeling alarmed your appetite for God seems gone? You may be going through what mystics have historically called “the dark night of the soul.” This series charts this aspect of the soul’s journey in a modern context.
Taking the Suffering Seriously
Things happen to us — inexplicable things — and we don’t know why. They change who we are. They change our life with God. They change how we relate to people. And sometimes nobody seems to understand. This series seeks to dignify the suffering and explores how it forms us what it means.
The Body Series
Here’s a topic sure to make most of us uneasy! How do we relate to our bodies? How are we meant to relate to them? What beliefs, ideas, and behaviors stand in our way? In this series, I reveal my own struggles with my body and invite you into my real-time exploration of this subject as you explore it too.
Beginning the Work Again
Our life with God is often likened to a spiral — or, better yet, a labyrinth. We grow along a certain vein, and then we seem to double back. It’s one of the more lively (and many would say frustrating!) aspects of spiritual formation. This series is for those who find themselves beginning the work again.
Who Is This Jesus?
I talk about Jesus a lot here. The easiest way to put it is that he made me fall in love with him. But what’s that about? Who is this Jesus, anyway? In this series, we explore a few aspects of Jesus that make him worthy of our worship.
The Discernment Series
Life forces us to make decisions all the time. Should we go this way or that way? Take this job or that one? Choose this path or that one? How do we know how to choose? This series provides an introduction to the exercise of discernment.
Learning Your Heart
When reading through the Gospels, you can’t help but notice that Jesus cares a heck of a whole lot about the human heart — specifically, its motives. He also cares that we know our hearts. This is where real relationship with God begins. Do you know your heart? This series helps you get started.
Holy Week 2013 (John)
In 2012, I wrote a series for Holy Week that charted the final week of Jesus’ life as portrayed through the Gospel of Matthew. In 2013, I offered a lens through the book of John. Take the holy week journey with Jesus.
Holy Week 2012 (Matthew)
What would it be like to walk through Passion Week with Jesus? How did he experience that final week of his life? In this series, we follow the apostle Matthew’s account of this significant week in the life of Jesus.
Misc. Archives
For about a year, I wrote week-daily posts based solely on what emerged from my time in the quiet each morning with God. There’s not much rhyme or reason to this collection of posts from the archive, but you might find them to be an affirming invitation to go deeper into your life with God.
Other Writings
Sometimes I write elsewhere. And when I do, I link to those writings here.