He Wants to Make You Whole

From the very outset, the aim of Jesus is to make you whole.
It’s written all over the Gospels. He came to bind up the brokenhearted, give sight to the blind, restore the ears of the deaf. Everywhere he goes, he’s bent on healing those he meets. He tells the Pharisees, “Those who are well have no need of a doctor. I didn’t come for the well, but for the sick.”
This morning I read a line of Scripture that speaks so much tenderness of this each time I meet it:
Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives.
— Matthew 9:35-36
When you walk with Jesus, this is what he’s about in you. Healing. Wholeness.
He wants to do this with your life: Orient you in truth. Establish you in strength. Root you in love. Blossom you in joy.
In what ways might he make you whole?