This Is the Beginning, This Is Prayer

This week we’ve been talking about what Jesus has to say to you.
We heard him say that you don’t have to clean yourself up first before coming to him. We heard him say that he can handle all your truth. We learned that the main thing — the most blessed, precious thing — that he wants is simply to be with you and to know you. We explored one picture of what that kind of knowing can look like.
Today, he is standing on the shoreline with this offer.
And the offer is himself.
He is offering himself to you for a lifetime of receiving what it means to be deeply known, deeply loved, always guided, never alone.
This is where it begins: stepping up to him on the shoreline and saying yes.
Choosing to walk with him. Choosing to let yourself be known by him. Choosing to walk in silence with him sometimes. Choosing also to listen.
This is prayer. This is the beginning. And we choose it again and again.
Will you receive the offer of Jesus — the offer of himself, the gift of being known, and known, and known — today?