Where I've Been . . .

Hello, friends.
It’s been weighing on my heart to write a note here, sharing where I’ve been and why there was no registration announcement for the Look at Jesus course earlier this week, as promised.
I mentioned in my previous post that we went on vacation for the holidays to visit my family in California. I wasn’t sure how much time I would have to write here, or how much internet connectivity I would have to write even if I wanted to. And it turned out the opportunities were scarce. When I did write, it was mainly to share some reflections on my personal blog about the spiritual retreat we took at the beginning of the trip (you can find those reflections here, here, and here).
But there wasn’t much room for the kind of contemplative writing I bring to this space. I just had to trust that was going to be okay.
Then, toward the end of our time in California, shortly before the new year turned, I kept noticing that I didn’t feel ready to open registration for the Look at Jesus course. This bothered me, and I struggled to take my hesitation seriously — mainly because I had voiced the registration and course dates to you here, and I wanted to be faithful to my word.
But the closer the registration date loomed, the less and less confident I felt that the course was ready to open again in January. There were several reasons for this, but some of those reasons had to do with commitments cropping up on my calendar that would have made teaching the course with faithfulness in January and February a bit difficult. This was problematic to me, because I like to give my courses my full attention when I teach.
So I’ve decided to postpone the course for a short while, and I hope to have an update on course dates for you soon.
As it happens, I got dreadfully ill over the New Year’s holiday and was unable to share the registration postponement plan with you when I had hoped to do so. Thankfully, I’m all better now. Thank you so much for your patience!
Now I’m back home in our cozy home after nearly three weeks away, and it feels so great to be back. I look forward to returning to the regular weekday posting schedule here in the coming week.