Reflections on a Spiritual Retreat (Part 3 of 3): Scenes from Our Stay

Of course, given my emerging love for photography this past year, photos were a large component of the way I experienced the spiritual retreat.

One of the first things we did upon arriving at the center, in fact, was to take a photo walk in order to explore the grounds and enjoy the last hour of light in the day. (I believe photographers call it the "golden hour" because the light from the sun as it glances on the earth is just perfect during that time of day.) And I took photo walks a couple other times during our stay on the grounds. Those photo walks are among my favorite memories of our time there.

So below, I've shared a glimpse of the experience of the retreat in pictures for you. Enjoy. :-)

Beauty in light.

Beauty in light. 

Come. Sit.

Come and sit. Rest.

Art in the wild.

Art in the wild.

Time for the morning quiet.

Time for the morning quiet. 

Come and enter in.

Come and enter in.

Sun-drenched foliage.

Sun-drenched foliage.

That I would adore Christ.

That I would adore him.

Bougainville in light.

Bouganvillia in light.

Through a doorway.

Through a doorway.

