He Is Praying Over You

Light of prayer.

One thing I’ll say is that Jesus and I communicate through images a lot. If you’ve ever followed along on my personal blog for any length of time, you’ll know what I mean when I say that. In that space, over the last several years, I have occasionally shared stories of how God has shown up in images to me and used them to teach me about himself and his heart toward me, and also to teach me about myself. 

The same is true in this space.

For the last couple months, ever since I began the commitment of writing these week-daily reflective posts for you, I have sat in prayer with Jesus every morning and talked with him about what he wants to say to you here each day. In those times of prayer, he and I are often walking and talking together about you. Sometimes we stop and sit on a bench for the conversation. Other times he has led me to surprising places, such as the large and sturdy rock he wanted me to show you. 

Each of those daily conversations inform what I write in this space for you each day.

Yesterday, I shared with you that a sense of urgency has evidenced itself in my prayer times with Jesus of late. I told you that he has set his face toward you and is very intentionally walking faster toward the places where you are. 

That sense of urgency began to crop up in these morning prayer times in the last week or two. On the very first morning it happened, we went from walking and talking together at a slow and even pace to suddenly walking much more quickly up a hill. Rather than walking side by side, Jesus was leading me somewhere. I followed, wondering what was on his mind and in his intent.

He led me to the top of a hill, and together we looked down upon a city in the distance. It was the city where you live and move each day. He showed me we were going there. And then he drew my attention to this passage of Scripture:

Then Jesus made a circuit of all the towns and villages. He taught in their meeting places, reported kingdom news, and healed their diseased bodies, healed their bruised and hurt lives. When he looked out over the crowds, his heart broke. So confused and aimless they were, like sheep with no shepherd.

— Matthew 9:35-37

Jesus has come upon the place where you live, and his heart has broken for you. As we stood atop that hill, he looked down at that city where you live and prayed over you out of the fullness of his heart and the compassion that moves him to care for and come after you. 

He is coming to where you are, and he wants to give you life. 

Will you let him enter the place where you live?