He Is Passionate for You

Every morning, I sit at my desk in a small, windowed corner of my home and talk to Jesus about you. Every day, the questions are the same: “What do you want to say today, Jesus? What do they need to hear?”
In the early days of writing these week-daily posts for you, there was a real sense of slowness, of care, and of gentleness and sometimes stillness in God’s heart toward you in this place. The posts, therefore, took on a similarly reflective and gentle pace.
But more recently, Jesus is revealing to me his heart of real passion and intentionality toward you.
He wants you to know him.
And the truth is, he is coming for you. In my prayer times with Jesus, I see him walking faster toward the places where you are. His face is set toward you. He wants to be with you.
What is it like for you to hear of Christ’s passion for you and his intent to reach you? What is it like to imagine being reached by him?