Taking the Suffering Seriously

Things happen to us — inexplicable things — and we don’t know why. They change who we are. They change our life with God. They change the way we relate to other people. And sometimes nobody seems to understand the depths of the pain we feel. This series seeks to dignify the suffering we face and explores how it forms us and how we might make sense of it.
- All That Happens Is … Perfect?
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: A New Exploration
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Forms Us
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Makes Us Angry
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Shuts Us Down
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How We Are Alone In It
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Exposes Injustice
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Invites Grief
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Invites Guilt
- Taking the Suffering Seriously :: How It Defeats Hope
- A Turn in the Suffering :: It’s About the Heart
- A Turn in the Suffering :: What Does It All Mean?
- A Turn in the Suffering :: No One Reason Fits All
- A Turn in the Suffering :: Let It Take as Long as It Takes
- A Turn in the Suffering :: When It Connects to a Broader Scope
- A Turn in the Suffering :: When It Creates a Reckoning
- A Turn in the Suffering :: When We Become Less Identified With the Circumstances
- A Turn in the Suffering :: When We Can Consider Forgiveness
- A Turn in the Suffering :: When It’s Bigger Than We Can Understand
- What I’ve Learned About Suffering