The Discernment Series

Life forces us to make decisions all the time. Should we go this way or that way? Take this job or that one? Choose this path or that one? How do we know how to choose? This series provides an introduction to the exercise of discernment.
- How Do You Discern?
- Are You a Thinker or a Feeler, and Other Helpful Considerations
- What Are Your Foundational Experiences of God?
- More on Foundational Experiences
- How Our Foundational Experiences Can Aid in Our Discernment I
- How Our Foundational Experiences Can Aid in Our Discernment II
- How Our Foundational Experiences Can Aid in Our Discernment III
- Discernment Concerns a Process, Not a Conclusion
- Di Cenere: From the Ashes
- Discernment: It’s an Embrace of Mystery