Looking Forward to the Year Ahead

I carried a secret smile with me all day yesterday, every time I thought about the year of being faithful that was being celebrated in this space.
This website is such holy ground for me, and offering you a bit of stillness and reflection here each day has become a precious priority. It is so connected to where God is leading me to direct the prominent focus of my life, and yesterday was a great reminder to me of that.
It felt great to celebrate.
And it was so much fun to hear what you’d like to receive in this space in the coming year!
- Meditations on old hymns.
- Reflections on the spiritual disciplines, particularly from the vantage point of my own experience.
- More thoughts on getting close to God.
- Additional insights on discernment.
So much fun! I love all of these ideas, and it was great to learn what you would find most personally meaningful.
I’m beginning to think through how these kind of reflections might show up on the site in the coming year. And you are still welcome to add to the list by leaving a comment below (or, if you’re more comfortable, sending me an email to christianne at stillforming dot com).
The offer to pray for you in some specific way still stands, too, if you’d like to connect with me about that.
In the meantime, happy June 1!
I’m looking forward to the new year ahead with you here.