An Invitation to Join Us

Hello, sweet dears!
Just wanted to share that registration for the Look at Jesus course will close this coming Sunday evening, and the course officially begins on Monday. Hooray!
I hardly know how to express to you just how much I adore this course. My first time teaching it last fall was an incredible experience — the dialogue and interaction between all who participated was so stimulating and grace-filled — and you probably already know there is nothing better in my book than spending time looking at Jesus and sharing about him with you.
In case you’re new here (ie., weren’t around when I launched the pilot course last fall), you can get a sense of my heart for this course and my heart for you in it through this video that I created last fall to share the story behind its creation.
Would you like to join us? Spots are still available, but registration closes in just four days. Click here to register.