What's in Your Heart?

I’ve been curious about you today, wondering how you would answer the question:
What’s in your heart?
At one time in my life, understanding myself was foremost in my heart. I spent a number of years in self-examination and discovery, starting to piece together the jigsaw of my heart — who I am, why that is, why I’ve done and thought and felt the things I have.
At another time in my life, understanding God was my greatest preoccupation. I wanted to understand Jesus, to understand grace, to understand how God views me and wants me to relate to him.
Some people have in their heart some great and particular mission. I think of people called to serve a specific group of people, to start a nonprofit or some company, to live their life in some specific way — perhaps as a ballerina or gymnast or runner or actor. Their calling occupies their hearts and informs their days.
What about you?
What is in your heart right now?