Room to Be Yourself

I’ve shared here before that my path to an authentic relationship with God began with an honest confession that I really never had come to understand grace or my need for Jesus, and that this confession was followed by a prayer for God to teach me both.
That was 13 years ago, and my life has been an ever-winding journey toward the answer to that prayer ever since.
I’ve learned some things since then — about God, about myself, about the nature and intent and process of formation — and the very first one has to do with grace.
Grace is that aspect of God that invites us in wholeheartedly and without a single reservation.
This is what Jesus makes possible: full access to God.
And not just access but welcome! We are ushered in with the unending invitation to draw nearer and nearer and nearer.
My reading yesterday morning in the psalms affirmed this truth with these words:
You’ve always given me breathing room,
a place to get away from it all.
A lifetime pass to your safe-house,
an open invitation as your guest.
You’ve always taken me seriously, God,
made me welcome among those who know and love you.
— Psalm 61:3-5
Love is first full of grace. Of welcome. Of invitation and full acceptance.
Can you receive this gift of grace from God today? What is it like for you to receive an irrevocable invitation into the safe-house of God, a place that offers you unending breathing room, a relationship with One who always takes you seriously?