Life Update: A Video

Hi, friends. 

My apologies for the lack of posting activity here in the last two weeks. I took an unexpected and very wonderful trip to California to visit one of my dearest friends on the planet. She had a frequent flier ticket that was set to expire at the end of the year, so we decided to jump on the chance to use it since we both had several days in a row available.

I’m so glad we did this.

In the thirteen years we have been friends, we’ve never spent more than 24 hours together, and we’ve never spent any of that time doing normal, mundane things like shopping for groceries, watching TV, or calling the plumber to stop by and fix some pipes and a sink or two. We relished the chance for this extended time of simply sharing normal life together.

Also in the meantime, lots of things in life have been happening in my world. I’m posting below a video update on these happenings. It clocks in at just under 10 minutes and includes:

  • a story
  • a process of discernment
  • a special announcement
  • an extra note worth noticing about the announcement

One hint about the announcement: It concerns a job opportunity I just accepted and can’t wait to begin in the new year!

PS: My apologies for the occasional jiggling of the camera. The laptop was sitting on my lap as I recorded this.