Still Forming

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A Turn Toward Sabbatical

This is our new girl kitty, Lucy, whom we adopted about two months ago. She's two and a half years old.

Well, here I am. 

I thought, no doubt naively, that being trained in spiritual formation and contemplative practices and soul care would render me impervious to the need for a sabbatical, but it didn't. 

I'm here. On sabbatical from my ministry. 

In this space, I'll be chronicling the journey of how I got here and how I am learning and living my way through it. I'm writing it down for me, because writing makes my journey more real and understandable to myself, but you're welcome to listen in. If these scribblings bless or nourish you in some way, too, I'll be glad. 

You're also welcome to join our online community in Still Forming's private Facebook group, where, during my sabbatical, I've invited the community to continue to gather and share their own ongoing journeys of formation with each other.

More soon. 
